Cliqvibes.com being Established in JULY 2015 by Emeh Daniel is structured, since inception, to cater for the interest of the Nigerian Students and other Students in the World.

 In Cliqvibes.com we have continued to announce the latest Nigeria University news, polytechnic news, Schorlarship news, Admission news, jobs/vacancies etc. it has emerged as the most credible mouth-piece of the teeming Nigerian students. Our principal goal, which has sustained our irrepresible, progressive spirit, is to remain the best Nigerian educational platform with unassailable quality of value-added service in news gathering and information dissemination to every Nigerian Students. The Mandate of the jobbershint .com was established to: Encourage the advancement of learning to all persons without distinction or race, creed, sex or political conviction the opportunity of acquiring a higher and liberal education; Provide courses of instruction and other facilities for the pursuit of learning in all the faculties and institutes, and to make facilities available on proper terms of such persons as are equipped to benefit from them; Encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in all fields of learning and human endeavour; Essentially, our goal is to serve you, our readers, and our dear nation better by continuing to be the Voice of Nigerian Students. Our principal goal, which has sustained our irrepresible, progressive spirit, is to remain the best Nigerian educational platform with unassailable quality of value-added service in news gathering and information dissemination to every Nigerian Students.


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